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2025 Individual Volunteer Farmers Market Application Form

Are you a new volunteer or returning?
NEW - awesome, thanks for being here!
RETURNING - we're so glad you want to come back!
Over 18?
I am 18 years or older
I am under age 18 (parent/guardian signature required)
Please select all market dates you would like to volunteer with us (these are all Thursday dates from May 22 - August 28 inclusive)
Please let us know what times you are available and in what way(s) you would like to support market activities (select all the apply)

I hereby state that the above information is true and given to the best of my ability. I have read and understood the Individual Volunteer Guidelines. If I do not understand or have any questions regarding this application, I will contact the Market Manager before signing. I understand that this is an application for consideration to be at the Waterfront Farmers Market and signing and submitting this application does not automatically grant me that designation at the Waterfront Farmers Market. Participation at the Waterfront Farmers Market is at the discretion of the Market Manager. I hereby grant the Waterfront Farmers Market permission to publish my name in any Market publications for promoting and advertisement of the Market. I hereby grant permission to be photographed, voluntarily and without compensation, by the Waterfront Farmers Market, understanding that the same, along with my name, is intended for publication by print, television, video, motion picture, and social media. 

Please acknowledge:

Waterfront Farmers Market © 2025

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